Hello, I am Chris. Welcome to my website, thewealthiestlife.com, and thank you for visiting.
I have had a myriad of life experiences: I have lived in several countries, embarked on different careers, had money and lost money, been passionately religious then atheist and agnostic, and moved through health challenges.
I created this website probably for much the same reason you are visiting: I too am searching for a wealthier life.
My personal experiences have taught me that the search for wealth is actually all encircling; it is the search for health, the search for personal fulfillment, the search for financial freedom, the search for peacefulness, and wealth is also gained through nurturing the warm, personal relationships that you have with the people you love. Each and every single component of what makes a wealthy life is important.
I believe that each of us has the intuitive capacity to create and have an extraordinarily wealthy life, which can be attained by honouring yourself and reaching unwaveringly toward your personal dreams. My hope is that you will share this journey with me by getting involved with my website through providing feedback on posts and articles that you like as well as those that you don’t like, and through sharing your own stories of personal growth and personal wealth.
Thanks again for visiting my website. Cheers to you and the wealthiest life you’ve ever had!
Founder of The Wealthiest Life thewealthiestlife.com Email: chrisdb@thewealthiestlife.com
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